Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Geeveston to the Tasman Peninsula

After driving to the most southerly point in Tasmania we relocated camp to the Tasman Peninsula, where we once again came across Gail & Graham. Yvonne & I opted to spend 2 nights with the Gilroys at Port Arthur, while the others have moved on to Nubeena. We will meet up again in coming days.
A huge amount of pics today, as it covers quite a few places because I have been too slack to post for days.

                                             Dinner at camp kitchen, Geeveston.

                                                               Hastings hot pools.

                                                                      Hastings caves.

                                    The pool from the hot springs. Should be renamed cool springs.

                                    On the road to the Southern most point in Tasmania.

                                                                      Cockle Creek.

                    We ate giant oysters off the rocks. It took a couple of bites to get one down.


                                                                    Another video

 Old steam equipment from the whaling days at Cockle Creek. This machine was used to drive a saw for cutting timber & between times was used to haul whales up the beach for cutting up.

                                                              A bronze whale.

                                                                      Pano, ockle Creek.

                                                     By the fire at Geeveston camp.

                                                                        Pre dawn.

There were 4 or 5 platypus in this pond behind the caravans. Its in the picture but hard to see in the pre dawn light.

                                                                       Port Huon.


                                          Lunch spot by the water on the way to Port Arthur.

                                                                  As above pano.

                                                                     Pirate Bay

                                                              Pirate Bay

                                                            Tessellated pavement

 This was originally thought to be a naturally occurring phenomenon, but has since been revised by far more advanced current thinking. This is actually the foundation stones of building & infrastructure of an alien civilization that occupied this planet a little over 25 million years ago. They are worn but were originally laser cut to fit perfectly on the stone substrate.You can still discern the shapes of the structures & even work out what they were used for. Also the aliens  brought their own fauna, in the following picture you will see the little red  shell fish that only occur here. These were a favorite food source & continue to exist here to this day. The aliens also brought various birds & animals, some of which still exist.

                            These tiny pink shellfish found nowhere else in the world but here.

The 'White Breasted, Orange Eyed, Carrot Beak is a bird that will only be found in this location. Its DNA is completely different from any earthly birds , it is a dimorphic shape shifter that can hypnotise its prey, just by staring at it. This was definitely brought here by aliens & has continued to breed.
No one knows why the aliens left Earth, never to return.

                                          Yvonne with the little alien shell fish in the crevices.


                                             Look closely & you will see the perfect laser cuts.

                                  You can just make out the bottom plate of the pre existing walls.

                     Graham getting some sea water to cook his big lobster for dinner.

                               Building shapes from above the tessellated pavement.

                    Convict ruins, not even as good as the alien stuff & less than 200 years old


                                                                       More video

                                                    Pano Maignon Bay

                                                         Remarkable cave.


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