Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Another day at Horse Head creek

Things are changing hour by hour on the radio news. Camping areas are being locked down & people are being prevented from entering. We are in a very nice free camp that is gradually filling up with lost souls. We did a nice walk into Devonport this morning & were amazed how close we were to the ferry terminal, it was only a 3klm walk each way. We will not leave this good spot until we can get on the ship on Sunday. This has given us a chance to catch up on house keeping. We have washed all our clothes, I have done some minor maintenance & edited some of the back logged drone shots, a couple of which I will attach to this blog entry. Tonight we will stock up with groceries, enough to get home and top up our diesel supplies. We will then hunker down & relax until Sunday. It is extremely nice here where we are.

                                             Drone video of convict ruins, near Port Arthur.

                                               Drone video of the Tessellated pavement.

                                                       Drone video of Maignon Bay.

                                                         Our current camp from above.

                                            There are millions of the giant oysters here

                                      Oysters all around the bridge pillars.

                                                                 On the walk.

                                                                       Our current home.

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